Dr Rosiñol has been an active member of the Gastrointestinal Pathology Committee at Althaia, Xarxa Assistencial Universitària de Manresa since she arrived at the institution in 2009. She participates in the tumor committee and clinical sessions in which endoscopic and pathological images are correlated and she carries out histological assessment in research projects. Rosiñol is also a member of the SEAP (Societat Espanyola d’Anatomia Patològica) and the ACMCB (Acadèmia de Ciències Mèdiques de Catalunya i Balears), affiliated to the Societat Catalana d’Anatomia Patològica, and she teaches on the training programmes that these bodies organize.
Rosiñol manages the training activities of the Pathology service for technicians and pathologists and the rotations of residents of other specialities. She has also been internship tutor for students on the Advanced Vocational Training programme at her unit since 2019.
Òria loves nature and walking in the woods.