Dr Pablo Collera and the nurse Cristina Vidal, investigators of the GOES research group, will participate as speakers at the seventh Conference on people with ostomies. On Monday 3 October the auditorium of the Hospital Sant Joan de Déu in Manresa will host this event organized by the Associació Catalana d’Ostomitzats (ACO) and the Fundació Althaia, within the framework of the Day of the ostomised patient.
The event is aimed at people with ostomies, family members and health professionals and encourages them to share experiences and discuss their needs and concerns. It will stress the fact that it is possible to live with an ostomy in a completely normal way.
The talk by Collera and Vidal is entitled Other views on ostomy and will start at 12.15 pm. The event will also include the first-hand testimonies of several people with ostomies, as well as contributions from the president of the ACO, Neus Cols, and the oncologist and care director of Althaia, Dr Montserrat Domènech.
Please book your place for free through this link.